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Kommunikationsagentur Partner


Das Bild des Thermotransferbandes von der Diashow auf der Homepage, das auch für den Bereich Harz Thermotransferband verwendet wird, steht unter dem Copyright der Internationalen Kommunikationsagentur B-to-B Design.




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"Magenta, cyan, yellow and black liquid paints isolated" by Kuzmin Andrey; "Bar code label on a product" by Sufi; "background macro image of black and white origami pattern made of curved sheets of paper." By Shots Studio; "Blue drums on pallets in a warehouse" by Ulrich Mueller; "Technology details - chips on blue microcircuit board" by any_keen; : "vector arrows set" by Alvaro Cabrera Jimenez; "Close up view on an isolated washing label tag " by lush; "macro of clothing label" by grintan ; "A passenger passes through an automatic ticket checking machine at a metro station." By Cristian Lisii; "Hand is slipping parking ticket into barrier of the parking garage, close-up" by Kzenon; "roll of paper and a strip of paper form a question mark " by discpicture; "Hand typing on laptop computer keyboard" by iprostocks; "glossy magazine closeup » by BortN66; « Social network tree business team structure » by Cienpies Design; "Open lock button on the keyboard, access concept" by rvlsoft; "Experience poster conceptual background. Improving knowledge message design » by Andrii Kondiuk; « industrial gear machinery, engineering parts in blue toning" by Gayvoronskaya_Yana; "Tick placed in excellent checkbox on customer" by Nata-Lia; "invoice book, vector illustration of a bill pad template " by Cihan Demirok & CIDEPIX; "Close up a blue toned calendar page" by Korn; "illustration of movie ticket on isolated white background " by vectomart; "Bar code" by Mikael Damkier; " Resources recommended books Stack of technical support and books" by alejandro dans neergaard; "blank stick pack suitable for placing logo or text" by koya979; "paper chain figures wanted employer job vacancy head hunter searching job search help wanted job ad hiring now find job application recruitment recruit staff " by Dirk Ercken; "Close-up of business people writing text during business training" by Dmitriy Shironoscov; "Cropped image of a group of businesspeople putting their hands together in a sign of unity" by Yuri Arcurs; : "a lot of plastic bottle caps" by Jiri Hera; "Paper Roll on Seamless Background" by photosync




"service crossword" by alexsl; "Supermarché, Produit d'épicerie, Magasin, Étagère, Faire les courses » by mediaphotos
